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Sunday, 6 May 2012


A nice way to start your week. Don't you sometimes wish you could be a child so you won't have responsibilities...hahahaha... you wish! Let me take you back, way back, enjoy as you sing along...

2-3 pieces for each child except the class captain and few others. Now we don't like it

On the assembly ground in the morning, this is was d march to your class song
The day is bright is bright and fair 
Oh happy day, the day of joy 
The day is bright is bright and fair 
Oh happy day, the day of joy.
Mama "jellof" rice!   

Another march to your class song:
H-i-p- for d hip 
P-o-p-o for d hippopo
And t-a-m-u-s for the hip-po-po-ta-mus 

Just after you hear the lunch bell, everyone gets up and harmoniously sings:
Some have food but cannot eat; 
Some can eat but have no food.
We have food and we can eat, 
Glory be to thee o Lord. Ahh-men. 
Oh my home! O my home!
Oh my home! O my home!
When shall i see my home? 
When shall i see my native land? 
I will never forget my home! 

I used to get sooooo excited when singing this song. It was a relief, especially knowing no writing names of noise makers:
Holiday is coming [2x] 
No more warning bells 
No more teachers cane. 
Goodbye teachers, goodbye scholars 
I'm going 2 spend a jolly holi-day [2x] 

This was the intro for PTA meetings. I remember singing this song so deeply like I was gonna get a Grammy award, when I was much younger (still young) before my voice became husky.
Parents listen to your children 
We are the leaders of tomorrow 
Try to pay our school fees 
And give us good education 

I am a little sailor boy that comes from the sea 
That comes from the sea to marry you 
Oh will u marry marry marry 
Will you you marry me?  
Closing time and time to look forward to: 
Now the day is over,
Night is drawing nigh, 
Shadows of the evening,
Still across the skies 
Glory to the father,
Glory to the son, 
And to the blessed spirit,
Whilst all ages run, Amen! 
I still sing this when it’s raining and I have outdoor activities:
Rain, rain, go away 
Come another ‘nother day
Little children want to play. PLAY!
A song I memorized after watching some kids in an Indian movie “Burning train” sing the song:
God whose name is love
Happy children we
Listen to the hymn that we sing to thee
Help us to be good
Always kind and true
In the game we play or the work we do.



  1. cant forget those old good time flies

  2. You took me way back with this piece. nice!

  3. Hmmmmmmm, Habibah

  4. Glad i did. When i remember more, i'll publish.
