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Friday, 7 June 2013

TEMPTATION: Who to blame?

Dear Lord, please bless Tyler Perry because for the first time, we can actually see a man has a lot of roles to play in a marriage asides taking care of bills and providing for the family. And it can also be one of the answers to the famous question: WHY DO WOMEN CHEAT? I am not trying to justify women for cheating; I am just a peace advocate. This is my opinion. We always look at things from the male side, has anyone heard what she is going through?

Marriage is hard work. Necessary to keep and to do so, one has to try new things TOGETHER. Go online and do some research, thanks to the sophisticated gadgets that challenge internet providers, internet is more affordable and easy to access. There is absolutely nothing one cannot find on the internet.

Communication is also key. Not just talking about house bills and other responsibilities or opinions and ideas but pleasure, needs and fantasies. SEX! Sex is not a responsibility, it is pleasure. “How do you like it?” “I won’t think less of you if you show or tell me. I just need you to be satisfied.” Communicate and satisfy or be satisfied

In the movie, he pushed her away; he saw competition and ignored it. A woman knows when she has a competitor, if she cares, she becomes overly protective which sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. Either way, she knows and buckles up. “Flesh is weak but the Spirit is willing” that's why it’s important to be spiritually sound BUT THEY WERE NOT.

Men need to understand that some women know how to bottle up emotions and go on like they're not hurt about things they're mad about. That is what makes women UNIQUE. We are absolutely unpredictable. What we love today, we may dislike tomorrow but you can at least make some efforts to show you care which we definitely will appreciate. Little efforts count.

Back to our movie, her husband forgot her birthday 2 years in a row. SERIOUSLY! Who does that? Forget it once and you will remember even in your grave. Men, ignore us when we say it is okay, because it is a lie. Surprise us! Make up for it! TRY to make us happy, we will appreciate the effort you put in achieving it.

He bluntly told her she'll have her practice in 10-15 years time. HELLO! She knows that already, but when telling us reality, please sugarcoat it. It is not just sweeter but also encouraging. Who says miracles don’t happen; she doesn’t have to wait that long to start her practice. ENCOURAGEMENT is KEY always. BELIEF AND HAVE FAITH like she does. The same faith and believe some women have that their cheating or abusive boyfriends will change after marriage. Sometimes they are right, most times they are wrong. But don’t worsen the depressed situation.

He kept doing the guitar act to make her happy; who ever said exploring other options is a sin or a bad thing? Be crazy sometimes. Be sweetly wild. Be creative. We are all children, the childlike spirit to have fun and be free spirited is in us all BUT adulthood can be too stressful for us and we may feel embarrassed. But that’s why he/she is your spouse. Be FUN!

She came home crazy and wanted sex out of the bedroom, he scolded her. At that point, he killed her morale and even if she wanted to tell him anything, she knew he'll judge her and scold her more. Sex is not a responsibility which he didn't see that way. Allow the 5 minutes madness/craziness. It is perfectly healthy. Flow with it.

We love to be admired, if not all d time, but sometimes those every simple comments like; "You look hot/sexy/beautiful!" “Sexy mama!” “Don’t allow any man woo you!”could go a long way. I term it “Confidence Booster.” We can feel the PRIDE and JEALOUSY in the statement; meaning he cares and make us feel on top the world.

She tried to fight him(the devil in the red car) but couldn’t because she wasn't spiritually strong and her husband was too busy for her. That they have been married for long doesn’t mean he can abandon her in all ways including emotionally and expect her to be sane. She needed attention and she finally succumbed to the devil. Whereas he knew what she was lacking and used it against her. No matter how uptight a woman can be, she can still be broken, may not be easy but can be broken. All you need do is PUSH THE RIGHT BUTTONS AT THE RIGHT TIME!

Using Adam and Eve for instance, it was easier to convince Eve who had just gotten to the garden than Adam because we're sometimes weaker that's why we need men's protection. We are the WEAKER SEX. We may not like to admit it, but it is the obvious TRUTH. We are more gullible. That is why brothers, younger or older, try to protect their sisters. It’s a natural thing.

Spiritually, men are to help women ascend to a level above them so women can be strong enough to shield not just the man but all others around her like an umbrella does.


So beautiful readers, with these few points of mine, I hope I have been able to convince not confuse you that marriage isn't only about the woman but the man also and the absence of Almighty GOD is the invitation of the Devil.

Please, I am allowed to express my opinion, so feel free to express yours. Please let us stop living in denial and face reality. Before judging, listen to both sides. ANYONE CAN BE A VICTIM.


Friday, 15 February 2013


HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! What better way can i start the year on this blog than sharing my first ever short story written by me. It is a fiction. Please feel free to leave a comment. Thank you for your time. Miss Badmus.

Sitting on my chair at work busy as usual my office land phone rang and I picked. “Just confirming u r on seat” was what I heard.

“Any issue?” My reply.

Conversation ended with no further response.

Then, I saw a lady with a box, with my food knowledge I knew it was cake. But for who?
She walked towards my direction. My thoughts were “Lord, let it be red velvet from Cakes n Cream or MonaSweets(her cakes are fabulous also).” “Who can possibly surprise me, get a grip, you are still very single, no one knows or admires you”. “Lord, please let it b mine!” “But I need to lose weight!” “Who cares? I can eat it and lose it later.”

Then she stopped right in front of me, and I felt every eye move from the lady to me, pierced through my skin. The kind that will make one miss a step and tumble down d stairs.

Then she asked, “Are you Miss Tracy?”

Gathering composure, I replied “Yes, I am. How may I help u?”

“This red velvet cake is for you, so is this bag.” I had just noticed the bag for the first time because my gaze had been only on the cake.

As the chic that I am, feeling important I asked; “From who please?”

She replied “Mr Ade!”

“But I don’t know any Mr Ade, are you sure it’s mine?” I said even if I pinched myself for asking. This is how I’ll let this “every lady’s beautiful surprise dream” go. Abeg, probably an admirer who changed his name. I’ll enjoy my life mhen! ONE LIFE TO LIVE.

So I collected it all and gave her 5000naira tip for bringing me this GOOD FORTUNE. Be reasonable, if am to buy all these, it’ll cost a lot more.

A Delicious MonaSweet Cake
Yay! 12inches heart-shaped Red Velvet is mine from one of my favorite places, Mona Sweets. Hmm! This person must know me.

I open d bag and am perplexed!

A beautiful sexy, I mean SEXY, its screaming SEXY lingerie!

Tie-side knicker with Agent Provocateur written across the back. Wow!!! This guy sabi better thing o! A pure tomato red satin with ties on each side. Can’t wait to even wear and get it untied. With matching red colored see-thru embroidered lace top. What more can I say, am not lucky, AM BLESSED!
Nifemi hadn’t heard of it so she decided to google it, like I cared.

Even as Ogo went on and on about it been very expensive and how she felt it would have been too ridiculous for her to spend £80 on a single “pant” as she called it on her trip to Uk. Lol.

At the bottom is, OMG!!! Am I dreaming??

V. I. P.  ticket to MAXWELL’s show! He too sabi “Woman’s Worth!” Wow!!!!

This is truly a blessing! Am so going to form for everyone!

Feeling good with myself to have an admirer with such quality and vast taste.

I felt d envious looks from fellow ladies both married, engaged, in relationship, single and “all join” ladies. For d first time, am d centre of attention!!
YIPEE!! *dancing alingo*

“Tracy, who is this Mr Ade? Na wa o! The man must like u and must be sexy. A sweet way to say he wants to have sex with u.”

“I wish say my bobo fit even surprise me like this for work not just for bed sef!”

“Tracy, na you dey rein o!”

“Total waste of money.”

Different comments I paid no attention. There I was, paying absolutely no attention to anyone but Me, Myself, and my new collection!


As usual, I brought out my blackberry, took different pictures and changed my display picture to the finest and most visible, ensured it showed the gifts and I, no dulling! Let the comments start flowing and make me feel as important as A QUEEN! I was on top d world!

JUST when I was about to cut cake for my buddies who had brought a knife and plates, so I can get them off my back and quickly get back to my phone to start responding to comments, I heard “STOP!”

I turned round to see d delivery woman hurriedly walking to me. After snapping out of d 10 seconds shock I asked “WHY?”

Seriously what right does she have to stop me from cutting my cake? Abi poison dey inside?

Then she said; “Am very sorry ma, but you are not the owner. I wrongly delivered it to u. The Miss Tracy am to give is in the next building. Thank the Lord you haven’t touched the cake. I would have lost my job now! I just looked at the number of this building as I was outside again. Am very sorry ma. Please ma forgive me.”

Out of humiliation and disappointment, the only thing I heard myself angrily ask was “WHERE IS MY MONEY?” After all, am not her father, I didn’t come to Lagos to throw money away. Not even to someone who had brought MISFORTUNE upon me.